Trust Board
As an Academy, Abbey Farm Educate Together is governed by the Educate Together Academy Trust Board, comprised of highly skilled professionals volunteering to ensure our schools are well run.
Information about the Educate Together Academy Trust governance structure can be found on our website here, along with our Articles of Association, Scheme of Delegation and audited accounts.
For more information about the Trust Board please contact us on 0117 3790119.
Local Governing Board
Abbey Farm Educate Together has a Local Governing Board (LGB) comprised of staff, parents, local residents and co-opted governors generously giving up their time and expertise to help develop and shape the school for the community it works within. The Board also acts as a line of communication between the school and the Trust Board and as such has one Trust representative.
Sarah Wingrove, Community Governor and Chair of Governors
Rob Brewer, Parent Governor
Tom Clarke, Staff Governor
Laura Cooper, Co-opted Governor
Peter Ford, Community Governor and Vice Chair
Emma Lindsay, Headteacher
Laura Pinchin, Parent Governor
Katherine Compton, Clerk
Vacancies for Co-opted Governors
We are currently seeking additional Co-opted governors. If you would like to find out more about the role, please see the advert below
and contact Janet Bremner, Trust Governance Officer:
For detailed information about our Local Governing Board please follow the link to the DfE website.
LGB Declarations February 2024
LGB Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23
LGB Meeting Attendance 2021 - 22