Inclusion and SEND

Article 23: A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and, as far as possible, independence and to play an active part in the community. Governments must do all they can to provide support to disabled children and their families.


Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Tracey Rogers.  Tracey works part-time, 1.5 days a week.

Tracey can be contacted via email at or by phoning our main office on 01793 251109.

Our SEND governor is Peter Ford.


SEND and Inclusion at Abbey Farm

For an overview of our vision, ethos and values in relation to Inclusion, please see our: 

SEND and Inclusion policy 

For a detailed report on how we implement our SEND and Inclusion policy on a day to day basis, please see our

SEND information report

If you have a specific question, please use the contents page at the start of the report to ensure quick access to the information you need.

Our Accessibility plan and Equality objectives (for full Equality policy see policies page) can be found here:

Accessibility plan

Equality objectives


Resources and support for Parents and Carers of children with SEND

7C’s Progress Tracker

SEND code of practice

Educate Together Identification and assessment procedures

The Zones of regulation visual guide

The Zones of regulation parent guide

'Listen Up!' - a practical guide for parents of children aged 0-5 (Speech and Language resources)

'Listen Up!' - a practical guide for parents of children aged 5-11 (Speech and Language resources)

One Page Profile and Provision Map blank example

SEN Support Learning Plan and Review blank example

Swindon SEN2 2023 Easy Read 

High Quality Teaching and Our Core Offer 

Assessment guide for children with additional needs or working significantly below

Example of School Risk Assessment for School Trips 

Useful Links

Swindon Borough Council Local Offer

Happy Maps (Parent support for children’s mental health) 

Ages and Stages Parent Guide (Speech and Language) 

Dietician advice - fussy eating in children  

Family Fund

Family Fund help families across the UK who are raising a disabled or seriously ill child or young person aged 17 or under. If eligible, you can apply for a grant. For more information visit