What is our vision for Music at Abbey Farm ET?
Children will leave school with a solid understanding of basic musical theory.
This will include:
- Technical vocabulary.
- Knowledge of instruments and orchestral families.
- Having performed to an audience at least once per academic year. (E.g. Parent share morning, assembly performance, school nativity).
- Children will leave school with a sense of rhythm.
- They should be able to play as part of a group either by using percussion, an instrument of their own, or their voice.
- Children are exposed to high quality choir performances (KS2 choir) from assembly performances and see an example of stage presence and behaviour.
How will our children learn Music?
- Ensure musical notes are being referred to along-side the correct technical vocabulary.
- Arrange regularly opportunities for the children to showcase their learning (concerts, assemblies, trips).
- Ensure singing assemblies are occurring regularly and the children are exposed to a range of song styles. (E.g. Call and response, Parts in an echo, Harmonies etc).
How do Core Principles, Learn Together and the Rights of the Child impact on the subject?
- Democratically run: All children have a chance to play and perform. Children have a choice about the direction of their music lessons and potentially the chance to have input when planning an assembly (age dependent). Parents have the chance to see their children perform.
- Child centered: Children are able to showcase their skills if they play an instrument (class orchestra)
- Co-educational: A mixture of practical and musical theory. Chance to perform and encourage all children to develop on-stage presence.
- Equality: All children have access to learning an instrument (recorders and class orchestra).
At AFET we have adopted the scheme Aurora Music. Aurora Music is developed by the London Aurora Orchestra and the scheme is mapped against the national curriculum with the schemes of work accompanied with ‘at a glance’ mapping documents to summarise what is covered each week showing progression. In year 1 this is further developed by continuation activities put out in the discovery areas to encourage children to further develop their skills independently.
We have a peripatetic piano teacher who attends AFET weekly and has done so since we opened. This is through Swindon Music Co-Operative.
We further enhance our music offer with local opportunities. We take part in the Swindon Music Festival (Reception and year 1) and have visits from the Swindon Music Service roadshows - percussion was very loud!!